With this immediate need to want to get rid of the extra kilos we ignore the recommendations of specialists and turn to diets to achieve our goal, that way we can look good for an important event or for the beach season is about to begin .
But how we got to lose 5 kilos quickly? say, lose 5 kg in two days? the most effective way is through highly restrictive diets that can cause health problems or generate nutrient deficiencies, so we need them only for short periods of time.
Of these restrictive diets one of the most effective is the pineapple diet whose foundation is the use of this fruit with diuretic properties, same principle applies to other diets like the artichoke, mazana or fruits.
Why adelgazamos with pineapple diet?
There are two ways that make this diet an effective tool against overweight and flabby appearance, the first is due to the diuretic action of pineapple that will make us lose excess water quickly. This loss leads to a rapid decrease in size and weight and there is the effect as desired Express that allows us to look thinner in a timely manner.
The other course of action corresponds to the caloric restriction for short periods of time compels our body to consume energy from body reserves, but this restriction is accompanied by poor nutrient intake so we must make the pineapple diet only for a few days and occasionally.
Menu pineapple diet to lose weight fast
* 2 to 3 slices of pineapple, 1 tea or infusion with saccharine.
* Pineapple soda. pineapple shell for 20 minutes is prepared by boiling, a cooked once allowed to stand, strain and refrigerate to take it as a refresher.
* depurativo broth prepared with 4 leeks, 2 turnips, 1 bit of celery, 1 carrot and 3 artichokes.
* Chicken or grilled fish.
* Pineapple soda.
* 1 yogurt skimming pineapple.
* 4 to 5 pineapple slices.
Recipes for pineapple diet
Many people have asked us recipes like soda and pineapple are made as tonic broth is prepared, in 100Dietas.com are both very well explained recipes and we also offer various dishes with pineapple that can be used on this diet.
Here are other options or alternatives within this diet for those who do not get products like turnips, leeks or artichokes, if this is your query case variants pineapple diet to find one that best suits your case and the products you get in your area.
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