Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

>> Rule # 1: Get out early to start your workout.
Exercise early in the morning and you will increase your chances of exercising today at least three times.
A study of 500 people at a preventive medicine clinic in the state of Arizona found that 75 percent of those who performed regular physical activity in the morning yielded twice as much as those who practiced post-work.
"At the beginning of the day, everyone has an excuse to ignore the exercise," says Dr. Arthur Medina. Not waking up early enough is the main one.
A University of Illinois study found that 20 minutes of aerobic exercise in the morning helps improve concentration, reading comprehension, and cognitive function.Want to see testimonials and tips to lose weight
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This content does not replace a medical consultation!

>> Rule # 2: Prefer to lift weights instead of pedaling
Instead of going from zero to 60 to sweat your calories, think about lifting weights to increase the burning of fat in the body.
Exercisers in a study at the University of Tokyo conducted various experiments and it was proved that volunteers who lifted weights for 20 minutes burned more fat than those who pedaled at the same time.
Reducing fat is very good for the heart: arteries harden during resistance training, increasing blood pressure, but a 20-minute sequence neutralizes these effects and speeds the return of your arteries to normal.
In addition, strength training "takes coordination and good technique, so you get more immediate results," says Kleber Almeida.
However, a low-level rhythmic activity is easier to do because it makes you less tired, "says Almeida.

>> Rule # 3: Push your pace and your metabolism.
Is the toning finished and ready to sweat? Accelerate a little more to have a higher calorie burn.

"High-intensity exercise increases the release of growth hormones, which use fat as fuel, in addition to keeping your metabolism always high by about 10 to 15 percent above your base. Says Arthur Medina.
In other words, if you worked 300 calories during the session, you will get an extra bonus burn of at least 45 calories more.
To clear the effect, a 16-week study of obese women was conducted.
Some practiced high-intensity exercise (walking or jogging in most cases) for three days a week.
At the end of the research period, they lost an average of 3 centimeters more measurements in the waist and hips than the other participants.
Try to alternate a quick race with one minute of more intense exercise, then return to normal.

>> Rule # 4: Improve the look of your butt
Even regular exercisers could benefit from an extra toning on their butt.
"When you're walking or running, you need to use your hip and calf muscles to gain more strength. "Says doctor Vitor Perez.
But even with all the physical activity, do your glutes continue in the same way?
Try some squatting exercises to solve this problem.
Get up from your chair, your feet firm on the floor.
Lower yourself into the chair, as if you were to sit down and press the butt muscles before relaxing.
Do three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, two or even three times throughout the day.
The great advantage is that this exercise can be done in the office chair.

>> Rule # 5: Taking a walk helps sell the noon tiredness
Rule call 20 to 20: Low-intensity aerobic activity for 20 minutes can increase your energy percentage by 20 percent, according to a University of Georgia survey.
"It's paradoxical: a lot of people think they will get more tired when they practice some exercise, but what happens is just the opposite," says Paulo Oliveira.
"We do not know what the biological mechanism is," he says, "but there is indirect evidence suggesting that brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are altered and cause the best energy."
In addition, this rapid recharge burns at least 75 calories.

>> Rule # 6: Climbing stairs.
When you choose to climb the stairs, use two steps at a time, being careful not to use high heels for this exercise.
The rapid explosions activate the rapid contraction of the fibers of the muscles of your legs, burning calories with a slower contraction.
Also, you will be using a part of your muscles that does not normally get enough action.
"Rapid muscle cells are designed and with this you can jump away, kick hard, punch faster movements little used in modern society," says Professor Sérgio Moreira.
But for this, you need to activate these muscles regularly.

>> Rule # 7: Stretching.
Consistent stretching means decreasing muscle soreness. Below we have some tips so that you can achieve in 17 minutes an effective stretching.
Warm up first for 5 minutes with a high accelerated knee gait.
Sit on the floor with your left leg in front of you, with your knee slightly curved and your leg bent outside.
Reach your toes and hold for 30 seconds. Relax. Do 3 alternate repetitions of these exercises.
Lie on the floor and keep your left leg bent. Hold your left thigh with both hands and pull it toward you until you feel a comfortable stretch on your right hip, glutes, and outer thigh.
Hold for 30 seconds. Alternate legs and repeat. Do 3 sections each side.
Stand and interlace your fingers and raise your palms and arms up. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat this exercise for another 3 times. 

>> Rule # 8: Choose your sneakers well.
Recent research has shown that sneakers, along with sports bras, are critical to perform well during physical activity.
"For a greater incentive, put your tennis pairs at the exit door in the morning," suggests physiotherapist Diana Castro.
"That will motivate you a lot more than a thousand words."


1 unit of lactose-free fruit yogurt + 1 slice of whole-grain bread + 1 tablespoon cream cheese + half papaya papaya + 1 tablespoon golden flaxseed

Morning snack

8 units of total cookies

6 tablespoons brown rice + 2 tablespoons carioca beans + 1 unit (80 g) lean beef + 3 lettuce leaves + 4 tablespoons beet + half teaspoon olive oil + 1 tablet (15 g) medium chocolate

Afternoon snack

1 unit of lactose-free fruit yogurt + 1 small unit of banana + 1 tablespoon of oats

4 tablespoons noodles + 3 tablespoons soybean salad + 1 unit (90 g) chicken file + 3 medium leaves of arugula + 4 tablespoons grated carrot

3 pieces of toast + 1 tablespoon cottage cheese + 2 orange juice units
Weight Loss Diets
When, during the change of season, we realize that the pants or shirts last year have become a bit narrow we have two possibilities:
Blame the washing machine or become a dieters.
As well as allowing us to bring old clothes with elegance, the fast weight loss diet also helps us feel better about ourselves and more importantly, improve our overall well-being.
Diet Risks
The most important enemies we face when we decide to lose weight is the haste and laziness.

In the first case, it is crucial to realize that drugs, last minute weight loss diets and supplements are not a cure but several aggravating the problem.
Lose weight with diet
While a strict diet followed by short periods of time is encouraging for the subject weight loss is just an apparent reality the weight loss is mainly due to the depletion of glycogen stores with consequent dehydration.
Only if the diet is maintained over a long period of time is weight loss actually linked to a reduction in fat mass.
Very low calorie diets attack the fat-sparing muscles and paving the way for a new weight gain.
If you choose to go this route, the disadvantages are numerous, although early, apparent, good results.
The reduction of the basal metabolic rate due to calorie restriction is opposed to weight loss and as soon as you start eating normally, you quickly regain all the lost pounds with a lot of interests.
Repeated cycles of weight loss and gain (yoyo diets) do nothing but increase our body's ability to maintain fat accumulation.
It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to lose weight, diet or simply through the use of weight loss products.
Here's why: A restrictive approach to diet (1000-1200 calories per day).
Importance of Physical Activity
The contribution of physical inactivity to overweight development is very significant.
Today more than ever, many scholars agree that weight gain is more related to a reduction in physical activity than to increased caloric intake.
In the United States, for example, the average weight of Americans has increased although total caloric intake has been reduced by 5 to 10% in recent years.
Nine out of ten times a weight loss program based solely on diet restriction fails.
Although the goodwill of many diets started with the goal of weight loss are in fact abandoned in the midst of hunger strikes that thwart existing efforts.
The only solution to this problem is to increase your level of physical activity.
A similar approach allows, in many cases, to lose weight even in the absence of a dietary restriction.
Sportsmen actually have a higher metabolism and this means that their energy consumption is higher even at rest.
It should therefore associate diet to lose weight and physical activity for the best results.
Useful Tips
Following a varied and balanced to create the caloric deficit is not excessive (up to 500 kcal below the requirement).
To quickly calculate your ideal weight and calories needed to achieve using our automatic calculation module.
To avoid eating more than necessary or give in to the temptation of too few, brush your teeth at the end of the meal, or put in your mouth an aromatic gum or sweets like sugar.
Eat slowly so you feel satiated faster.
Perform mixed physical activity by alternating aerobic exercise (cycling, running, sustained walking, swimming) with other types of muscle (weights, body weight toning, overloading or elastic exercises).
To get the physical activity more slimming effect should be prolonged; only in this way improvements in body composition and metabolism will be stable and long lasting.
Losing weight is important, but always with an eye on your health; to define your diet, then we refer to our dietary advice.
The goal of losing 10 kg in a month is almost utopian, but not impossible, depending on your physical state of departure and the sacrifices you are willing to make.
Let's focus now on the methodology to be adopted for fast and effective weight loss.
The minimum requirements you must have to get real results:
You must be overweight or obese.
You do not have food-related illnesses (eg, bulimia).
You must be psychologically serene.
You should start exercising to be connected to the diet to lose weight with health.
Commitment, perseverance and determination to be your new keywords.
Do not skip meals, your body does not make fun with shortcuts, you will have the opposite effect.
And it does not depend on supplements or snacks, not as a substitute for meals.
Food varies (calories equal) without varying amounts.
Think positive, do not weigh yourself with dissatisfaction, but you believe in reaching the goal.
Check for nervous hunger pains by keeping a salad with raw vegetables available (eg carrots, celery, fennel).
Avoid fried foods and overly greasy foods.
Now that you know exactly how to behave and that mindset you have to keep hardDuring the month of diet, you are ready to begin.

Remember that you should achieve a specific calorie value per day in order to allow both weight loss but also having all the nutrients and energy needed.
You can dare this calculation alone and create your own precise and detailed single energy plan in the home, but each body has the specific needs and characteristics.
So to take no risks and identify the right diet, we recommend a consultation from a professional nutritionist.
Do not get hungry at the end of a meal and do not reduce it, after 2 to 3 hours, with stomach pains, those indicate the increase in blood glucose.
Before choosing your diet, please:
Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Figure out how many calories your body needs daily.
Keep in mind the two pyramids (food and physical activity)
Ideal for weight loss diet
Breakfast (choice of):
Coffee, tea, green tea or barley (with up to a teaspoon of sugar), with 3 cookies or a snack of about 120 calories.
200 ml of skim milk (with a teaspoon of sugar), with 2 toasts or 2 biscuits.
One vial of yogurt with 2 normal or sliced ​​whole wheat bread or 2 tablespoons whole grains.
100 ml orange juice with regular bread or 2 slices whole.
The fruit of the season (avoid the banana or figs) with regular bread or 2 slices whole with glaze it.
Snack (choice of):
A jar of yogurt.
A package of whole wafers.
The fruit of the season (avoid the banana or figs).
2-3 biscuits or a cereal bar.
Lunch (odd days):
First: pasta or rice (60-70 grams) white, with a tomato or vegetable sauce (raw + oil + 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese)
Second: 80 grams of dried meat or ham or chicken breast or turkey + dish (salad or vegetables grilled and cooked seasoned with raw oil) *
Lunch (same day, to be chosen from):
Legumes (60-70 grams dry which corresponds to approximately 80-85 g raw and about 150-170 g cooked depends on how much water they absorb) + a large side dish (salad or vegetables for grilled and cooked seasoned with raw oil).
A soup and vegetables or puree + 3 slices of dried whole grain bread.
Snack (choice of):
A jar of yogurt.
A package of whole wafers.
The fruit of the season (avoid the banana or figs).
A toast with a single slice of cheese.
Tea with 2 biscuits.
Dinner (odd days):
Fish (120-150 grams) or meat (preferably white, 90-100 grams) + dish (salad or vegetables for grilled and cooked seasoned with crude oil) + 50 grams of bread (preferably whole).
Dinner (even days, to be chosen from):
An egg (not fried and not more than once a week) + a slice of cheese, 1 slice of ham (raw or cooked) + 50 grams of bread (preferably whole) + vegetable dish.
A soft cheese (100 g) or the mozzarella of fat, ricotta, light, salt + dish (salad or vegetables grilled and cooked seasoned with crude oil) + 50 grams of bread (preferably whole).
Saturday or Sunday dinner:
Pizza margherita made with crude oil (+ grilled vegetables).
(you can choose to keep the Sunday free and eat what you want without excess.
It is also best to eat the pizza within 24 hours of the day off and then treat the Saturday as a classic day of diet.

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