Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Benefits of Lemon: The benefits of Lemon are especially increasing the body's defenses by fighting off flushes and inflammation of the airways because it is rich in vitamin C which improves immunity. In addition, Lemon is also important for:
  •     Lemon helps to fight against uric acid, because despite being acid, it is transformed into the stomach and will alkalize the blood;
  •     Lemon helps you lose weight by being low in calories and having fibers, which decrease your appetite;
  •     Lemon helps protect cells because it is an antioxidant fruit;
  •     Lemon facilitates digestion and regulates the absorption of sugars by the presence of soluble fibers, such as pectin.

Benefits of Honey: The benefits of Honey for health especially involves improving the body's resistance to colds and flu, for example, because Honey combats microbes and is antiseptic. Thus, honey is indicated for:

  •     Constipation as it helps the bowel to move
  •     Honey helps to fight bad digestion and gastric ulcers because it has enzymes that facilitate digestion
  •     Honey helps fight bronchitis, asthma and sore throats, because of its antibiotic and antiseptic characteristics.

Benefits of Ginger: Ginger is a root that can be used in teas or shavings that can be added to water, juices, yogurts or salads. In addition, Ginger's health benefits are mainly for:

  •     Ginger help in weight loss,
  •     Ginger speeding up the metabolism,
  •     Ginger relax the gastrointestinal system,
  •     Ginger prevents nausea and vomiting.

After you know the benefits of Lemon, Honey and Ginger for health. So, check out now the Natural Drink Makes Weight Slim 10kg in Just 3 Weeks:

Natural Drink Makes You Lose 10kg in Just 3 Weeks:


  •     125 grams of Radish.
  •     4 lemons.
  •     3 teaspoons of honey.
  •     2 teaspoons cinnamon.
  •     2 centimeters ginger root.


  •     Place radish and ginger in the blender and mix well.
  •     Then add the lemon juice and beat again until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  •     After this you can add honey and cinnamon.
  •     Put the syrup in a clean jar and store in the refrigerator.
  •     Take this syrup twice a day for 21 days before having a meal or exercise.
  •     After 21 days, you should take a break for several days and then repeat the recipe.

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