Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 4, 2016

-day 1: 

vegetable soup, fruit (except banana or banana) we recommend watermelon and cantaloupe. The only drinks allowed are water, natural fruit juices and tea without sugar.

-day 2: 

vegetable soups and steamed vegetables, if they are of much better green leaves. During this day it is forbidden to consume fruits.

-day 3: 


perform a combination of fruits, leafy green vegetables and vegetable soup. Avoid eating potatoes, beets, grapes and bananas.

-day 4: 

skim milk, bananas and vegetable soup.

-day 5: 

lean beef, vegetable soup and at least 8 glasses of water to flush uric acid which gives us the meat.

-day 6: 

fillet of lean meat, vegetable soup and green leafy vegetables.

-day 7: 

1 cup brown rice, vegetable soup, fruit juices, and unlimited vegetables.

I hope you have been helpful this diet to lose 10 kilos in just one week

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