Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 6, 2016

Day 1

A coffee with skim milk and sugar-toasted bread smeared with light quesito.
1 medium chicken or grilled beef fillet + various vegetables.
Beet salad and shredded carrots. 1 serving of fruit salad.

Day 2

A coffee or tea and toast bread.
Lettuce, celery, tomato and asparagus + 1 Orange.
A plate of defatted broth and a serving of spinach or boiled spinach and a portion of applesauce.

Day 3

Black coffee or tea and toast bread or linen with dietary jam.
A serving of grilled fish with steamed vegetables.
A bowl of fruit salad with yogurt without sugar.

day 4

An infusion with skim milk and a slice of bread bran or whole wheat with a piece of cheese.
A serving of tuna with mashed pumpkin. A fruit choice
Defatted vegetable soup with a slice of baked fish seasoned with lemon and a tablespoon of oil.

day 5

 Tea or coffee with skim milk, yogurt with chopped apple.
Chicken breast with a party Placha medium tomato seasoned with a little olive oil, oregano and salt.
Endive Salad with vinaigrette and omelets to two clear and a bud. An infusion.

day 6

Black coffee or tea and toast bread or linen with dietary jam.
A cup of broth diet with a baked chicken breast and lettuce with cucumber and dill. Plums or kiwis for dessert.
 omelets of a bud and two clear + a slice of watermelon + infusion.

day 7

Tea or coffee with skim milk and a slice of bread with spreadable cheese or low-fat Burgos and a slice of turkey.
Ensalda apple and endive with cheese creaming + baked fish, grilled or steamed.
A serving of salad 1 egg, brown rice, broccoli. 1 fruit

day 8

 Tea or coffee with skim milk, yogurt with chopped apple.
A medium of homemade soup + A salad of lettuce, cucumber, celery and dill vegetables and an apple dish.
A serving of vegetable panache. 1 fruit

day 9

An infusion with skim milk and a slice of bread bran or whole wheat with a piece of cheese.
Grilled chicken breast with a cup defatted broth of vegetables and one or two slices of pineapple or kiwi.
A portion sauteed spinach with young garlic and ham. 1 medium green salad, carrot, tomato and 1 egg.

day 10

A coffee or tea and toast bread.
A cup of broth diet with a baked chicken breast and lettuce with cucumber and dill. Plums or kiwis for dessert.
A medallion of tenderloin grilled and fat-free cheese salad with tomato and oregano or basil. An infusion.

day 11

 An infusion with skim milk and a slice of bread bran or whole wheat with a piece of cheese.
A fillet of beef and a boiled egg and lettuce with tuna natural.
mixed salad with a tuna steak grilled.

day 12

A coffee or tea and toast bread.
Baked fish with steamed vegetables. Plums or kiwis for dessert.
Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and young garlic and yogurt.

day 13

 An infusion with skim milk and a slice of bread bran or whole wheat with a piece of cheese.
 Fresh tomato salad with cheese and oregano. A beef steak grilled. 1 fruit.
A bowl of fruit salad with yogurt without sugar.

Perhaps you can be interested in these other quick diets to give a boost to your mood;

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