Apple cider vinegar has properties that help in weight loss plan:
* Cleansing
* Diuretic * Power satiating
* Vitamin A
* Magnesium
* Potassium
Vinegar diet (diet 2 kilos in 7 days)
Infusion preferred with a splash of skim milk with sweetener + 1 egg + 1 slice of bread with a slice of low-fat cheese 5 x 5 cm.Media Tomorrow: 1 seasonal fruit
Lunch: Before almuezo take half a glass of water with 3 tablespoons apple vinegar (you can incorporate lemon for flavor).
100 grams of lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef, fish) grilled with 1 teaspoon sunflower or olive oil, salt and oregano or other species, you can also add mustard.
+ 1 + cup shredded lettuce, tomato and onions carrots.
Dessert: 1 fruit
Do not drink liquid between food, so after lunch.
Average afternoon: 1 low fat yogurt.
Snack: Infusion preferred sweetener + 4 whole-grain crackers spread with low-fat spreadable cheese.
Dinner: Before dinner take half a glass of water with 3 tablespoons apple vinegar (you can incorporate lemon for flavor).
Vegetables and lentil stew + 1 slice whole grain bread + 1 fruit for dessert.
Recommended physical activity: at least half an hour daily between cardiovasculaes exercises and resistance exercises.
Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2016
tháng 6 22, 2016
Miss Happy
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