Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2016
tháng 8 11, 2016
Miss Happy
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Eat every 2 hours and a half and within three hours of a meal and another half fruit or tea.
This diet can eat between meals snack: a fruit portion of your choice to 150 grams, or a portion of dark green leaf salad, or a glass of 200 ml of natural juice sweetened with sweetener or thin sugar put the juice can not be concentrated has to be thinner to not have a lot of calories and if you do it with orange use a just and complete with water, do not go more than 03 hours without food.
A kiss in the heart Rosi
This diet is easy and very cheap to do. Check out the menu:
coffee or tea with sweetener;
two boiled eggs with salt and vegetables;
Have a dinner
A great steak and cucumber and lettuce salad.
coffee or tea with sweetener and a biscuit and salt water;
vegetables and fruit and a great steak;
Have a dinner
Only ham at ease.
coffee or tea with sweetener and a biscuit and salt water;
two boiled eggs, salad and tomato at will;
Have a dinner
salad of cabbage, carrots and chayote at ease.
coffee or tea with sweetener and a biscuit and salt water;
a boiled egg, raw carrots or cooked at home and a slice of mozzarella cheese;
Have a dinner
fruit salad at ease and natural yoghurt.
coffee or tea with biscuit and salt water;
tomatoes at will and fried fish fillet;
Have a dinner
steak and fruit salad at will.
coffee or tea with biscuit and salt water;
roasted chicken will;
Have a dinner
two boiled eggs with salt.
coffee or tea with biscuit and salt water;
A great steak and fruit cups;
Have a dinner
Eat what you want within that regime.
10 Ways to Lose Weight After 45 Years
All those who have tried know well: it's hard to lose after 45 years. Over time, the curves are installed and approaching fifty, hormones are involved, which does not help!
And yet, without trying to regain their weight young, with small daily efforts and better lifestyle it is possible to lose weight permanently.
Here are 10 issues that prevent you from losing weight after 45 years, and ways to overcome them.
1. The body burns fewer calories.
Losing weight after 45 years Of course your body needs fewer calories to perform its various functions.
The weight gain over the upper body is given by the failure of hormones. The solution would be to reduce the daily intake 150-300 kcal. This is an ice cream or four sausage slices.
2. Try a regime
Also, you made your plans and your body reacts badly. You start to become insulin resistant.
And the pancreas no longer works so well! The solution would be to forget the high-protein diets and those who will only make your body more resistant.
Change some habits, limiting cheeses and cold, with a focus on vegetable fats and eat lunch again starchy (for lack of bread).
3. Do you have an attraction for casseroles
This is normal because its flavor is formed over time to have a taste ...
The solution would be to make a sauerkraut, ham, chicken sausage instead of Morteau with a cassoulet ... and a grilled sole meuniere instead!
4. Do you like to drink wine
A small glass of wine has 70 kcal ... The solution: always carry a water next to quench your thirst. In appetizers, forget wine and cocktails prepared ...
5. You do not take longer to cook
No more cooking for your family, the solution is to stop quickly prepare the fish curls, deglaze the scallops in balsamic vinegar or cider.
Try to cook the agar seaweed powder and eat gelatin without calories.
6. Do you often go to a restaurant
The problem is that the kitchen is often greasy and quantities are not always suit your appetite.
The solution: Make the right choice! Crudités or entry into soup, and then a dish with fish or white meat. Ask extra vegetables and salads. Blank sauce. Do skip the cheese and dessert. Take a fruit and yogurt on the way
7. You do not play sports
Too bad because only their energy needs decreased, hence the need to increase your exercise.
The solution: Try an activity that you like and you will practice several times a week: cycling, dancing, hiking, gardening ... Anything, instead of getting on TV.
8. Do you have more fat and less muscle
Your body loses the firmness. The risk in weight loss is to lose muscle.
The solution: eat protein with every main meal: eggs, fish, white meat, ham without forgetting legumes (lentils, beans ...).
9. You make the water retention
This is hormonal and unfortunately, most certainly you also have some cellulite. The solution is prepared or draining food, which will also stimulate your kidneys.
Choose foods rich in potassium, such as asparagus, fennel, leeks, bananas, detoxifying desire!
10. Do not feel thirsty?
The sensation of thirst decreases with age and therefore you do not drink much.
Result: less eliminates body waste and burn less. The solution: Take teas, add the zest of citrus fruits in your water bottles, take broths, teas ... consume vegetables and fruits rich in water, low-calorie and more will fill you with its fibers.
Among the most moisturizers: cucumber, zucchini, salad and watermelon.
menu type to lose weight after 45 years:
Breakfast :
coffee or tea without sugar;
2 slices of bread + butter 10g and 1 tablespoon jelly tea;
1 natural yoghurt;
1 kiwi.
Asparagus with 1 tablespoon of fat sauce (3 tablespoons canola oil soup 1 c + + 1c water 1 c vinegar half teaspoon of mustard) + chervil;
Pasta (150 g) with seafood and peppers;
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese domes of tea;
Afternoon :
Unsweetened tea.
If hunger persists:
1 yogurt sweetened with aspartame.
Have a dinner:
Gazpacho with cucumber sticks;
Loup fennel lemon + 1 + c olive oil;
1 white cheese 20% fat with some raspberries.
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