Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 10, 2016

The ancient Aztecs considered important sexual potentiator avocado, whose translation of Nahuatl is "testicle", thanks to the way it is; mandrake root is shaped like a penis, and for thousands of years has been considered an aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages it was recommended to eat fruits with lots of seeds, such as Granada and fig, for those who wanted many children.

Other foods owe their reputation for sexual stimulators to real medicinal qualities, such as basil, parsley, mint, onion, black pepper, cloves, ginger and chili, as they increase the blood flow to the urogenital system (which includes the genitals) .

Also it is known that alcohol in moderate doses exerts deshinibidor effect, been very conducive to erotic activity, but too reduces the desire. The most famous, and that has transcended centuries, champagne is recognized bubbly drink made from grapes, and many say you fill special erotic effect in women than in men.
Aphrodisiacs our daily

Although many people show parkas or reticent about it, there is a great number of foods that are part of the Mexican diet and can boost your sex life, and if you do not believe, here are some of them:

   * Avocado. Its nutritional content is high: rich in vitamins A and E, as well as natural oils, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals that are essential for the generation of sex hormones. However, its aphrodisiac power lies in the pulp, but also in its seed (oddly enough), which to seize it must be broken into several pieces that are left for five minutes in a bowl with boiling water or milk to be taken as an infusion .

  *  Celery. Verdura whose stems are edible and are characterized by plenty of water and cellulose (fiber), but also a substance that stimulates the production of male hormones, comarina.

   * Oats. Restores the energy lost by physical weathering, particularly those living constant stress. It is particularly suited for sexuality because it promotes increased testosterone in the blood, in other words, increases sexual desire.

   * Cinnamon. It is well known that improves all kinds of cold-related problems (poor circulation, cough, fever and cold), thanks to which, among other qualities, raises body temperature. It also strengthens the nervous system and relieves fatigue and depression, why also reduces stress and anxiety, which often are an obstacle to a good intimate relationship.

   * Cherry. Its high content of vitamin B complex is the possible justification for that is identified as delicious aphrodisiac because it increases oxygen utilization by the body and strengthens the heart function, so when you come to need more oxygen and sex this little fruit is helpful.

   * Chocolate. Cocoa (compound essential product) has been scientifically proven that considerable amount of feniletinamina, chemical agent that activates receptors on nerve cells in the brain that produce sense of wellbeing. It is said that the Aztecs gave him drink it hot aphrodisiac properties and mixed with chili; how about?

  *  Damiana. It works quickly and effectively on the nerve centers through stimulating action on the sexual organs. It is indicated for erectile dysfunction problems and the lack of desire.

  *  Strawberries. Because favoring better blood flow, qualities attributed to fuel capacity and sexual desire.

  *  Apple. It is the symbol par excellence of sensuality and forbidden fruit that seduced Eve and then Adam. As for aphrodisiac properties not much to say, just being good stimulant. In dessert, and seasoned with cinnamon, it is an option to consider.

  *  Seafood. The "seafood" are important aids in sexual health, mainly for its contribution of minerals of high rank, such as phosphorus, which helps digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the proper functioning of the nervous system; iodine, essential for optimal functioning of the thyroid gland that is responsible for creating hormones involved in virtually all body functions; zinc, whose lack is regularly associated with erectile dysfunction problems and prostate cancer.

  *  Honey. Powerful natural nutrient that provides energy and vitality in general, but also contains boron in abundance, mineral that helps increase testosterone levels, hormone directly related to desire and ability to have orgasms.

  *  Bee pollen. The qualities of the previous product, it is double or triple, insomuch that should only be ingested daily tablespoon, careful chewing grains very well or previously diluting milk, tea or any liquid; it should be noted that for every three weeks of consumption must put back a week to resume ingestion.

  *  Nut. Improves circulation and brain function because they are high in omega 3 fatty acids, phosphorus and magnesium; collaborated in the production of red blood cells (contained in blood and managers carry oxygen throughout the body), plus improve depression, stress and fatigue. Consume 6 to 12 nuts a day is as good for health as for sex.

  *  Pistache. It is considered in the East one of the most powerful aphrodisiac foods that can be found in nature, and which clearly passionate desire increase is due, they say.

  *  Mint. They say it was the first medicinal plant used for aphrodisiacs purposes, as it is delicate nervous system stimulant. It also has several healing effects, among which we can mention improving digestion and bad breath (no one will deny its usefulness in an intimate encounter), and can be used as soft soothing anxiety. In romantic dinners is not uncommon for a peppermint schnapps is offered.

Now, as you can imagine, the list of aphrodisiac foods require much more space, so below are a few more but grouped by nutrients that do not need them in our diet:

  *  B complex vitamins of this group contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and calm anxiety but above all maintain the production of sex hormones in regular levels; It consumed by peanuts, germ and whole wheat flour, peach, peach, corn, red pepper, green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe, mango, milk, cheese and eggs, among other foods.

  *  Minerals. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium increase sexual desire; consumed by leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds and parsley, pork liver, cod, tuna and sardines in oil, chicken, eggs and yogurt. Selenium assists in hormone production; foods that contain it are meat, dairy, wheat germ and bran, onion, garlic, green tomatoes, broccoli and yeast, nuts and sunflower seeds.

  *  Vitamin E. It has almost prodigious effects so sex life is, in addition to hormone production increases concerned. The include vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, grains, eggs, lettuce and broccoli.

Finally, we do not want to mention two products that although rare in Mexican food often collaborate notably in the sexual life, so it is worth getting them at health food stores or oriental products:

  *  Gingko biloba. The quality of this plant which is recognized worldwide is to be great vasodilator, ie, prevents the adhesion of cells (erythrocytes or red blood cells) responsible for transport through the blood flow oxygen, so that this increases the delivery of gas to all organs of the body. In the case before us, it is extremely important to irrigate the brain, which is also a sexual organ, and genital areas.

  *  Ginseng. Grass is recognized not only for its vasodilator peculiarity, but also prevents premature aging of cells throughout the body (antioxidant). As if that were not enough, she works to increase sexual appetite and reduces stress by stress.

Nutritionists, chefs and renowned name sexologists say that sex needs the same dedication and the work required to prepare a good menu. It is true that a fast food satisfies us, even is what we do with some frequency, but fed and enjoyed over dinner in which attention has been paid to the environment, where is served and table decoration attractively -with flowers, gently adequate lighting and music, details that are as important as the culinary skill used to prepare the dishes. The same happens with sex, do not you think so?

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