Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Let's start with the step by step plan to lose weight!

There are many restrictive diets that promise to lose weight fast, but they do not work in the long run. Extreme calorie restriction makes it very difficult to control appetite, and most people end up giving up on their diet. After that, they gain the little lost weight back.

The best way to lose weight is by following a diet that you do not give up on. This requires healthy eating with nutrient-dense foods in order to maintain energy levels and appetite satiated during the calorie deficit.

How to Lose Weight with Health A diet high in protein and healthy fats makes it easier to control your appetite and decreases your chances of giving up on your diet.

In this article we will talk about a healthy diet that helps control binge eating and that makes weight loss as easy as possible. This diet is low carb, a blend of protein diet and paleo diet.

Benefits of Low Carb Diet

The method of weight loss that I will describe has the following advantages:

  •     Decrease appetite. Meals rich in protein and healthy fats keep your appetite satiated and you end up eating less. People who follow a low carb diet are less hungry than people on a low fat diet.
  •     It leads to a constant weight loss, without starving. A low carb diet is the easiest way to maintain a calorie deficit without starving yourself. By following this type of diet it is possible to lose weight without counting calories.
  •     Is good for health. It is a diet rich in nutritious foods, which leads to fat loss and maintenance of muscle mass. You will also have more energy and good mood. In addition to losing weight, it lowers risk factors for cardiovascular disease, improves cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, and promotes insulin sensitivity.
  •     It is the best diet to lose belly. This type of diet burns more fat than a conventional low fat diet and eliminates more abdominal fat.

The digestion of fat and protein is slower than the digestion of foods rich in carbohydrates. When you eat a pasta dish, an hour later you get hungry. With the low carb diet this does not happen.

Increasing protein intake satisfies your appetite for longer and you are less likely to eat snacks or sugary foods.

Protein contains fewer calories than carbohydrates which leads to a decrease in caloric intake. The key is to decrease your daily calorie intake while maintaining a selection of tasty foods with high nutritional density.

This type of nutrition leads you to eat fewer calories without thinking about it. So you can lose weight in a healthy and consistent way.

Slimming in 3 Simple Steps

This method has 3 simple steps:
  •     Eliminate unhealthy carbohydrates.
  •     Eat more protein, healthy fats and vegetables.
  •     Exercise 3 or 4 times a week.

Now let's go deeper into each of these steps.
Step 1 - Eliminate Sugars and Starches

Eliminate Sugars and StarchesThe first step is to eliminate sugars and starches from your diet. The sugars are in soft drinks, juices, biscuits, candies, etc. Starches are in bread, pasta, flour and many processed foods.

Sugars are carbohydrates that have no nutritional value, and starches have very little nutritional value. Both contain many calories and cause weight gain. How do these carbohydrates get fat?

When these large amounts of carbohydrates enter the bloodstream they stimulate the production of insulin. Insulin is the body's storage hormone and transforms the ingested calories into body fat.

Insulin also increases appetite. You eat more sugars, you get fat, you get hungry ... It's a vicious cycle!
Eat Less Carbohydrates to Lower Calorie Intake

When you eat fewer empty calories your insulin production decreases, which in turn decreases your intake
Instead of eating foods with many calories and no nutrients, you will eat foods with many nutrients and fewer calories.

So the insulin is at low levels and the body uses the body fat as an energy source, which allows to burn fat.

Instead of turning the carbohydrates from food into energy, you will burn stored fat due to caloric deficit. The appetite decreases, the stomach becomes less dilated, and the portion control becomes easier.

In diets with many carbohydrates it is much more difficult to decrease your food intake. This type of food does not quench hunger for a long time and there you will feel hungry every 3 hours.
Eliminates Fluid Retention and Swollen Belly

Another benefit of lowering carbohydrate intake and lowering insulin levels is the elimination of sodium and excess water.

This reduces swelling and fluid retention and you soon lose a few pounds.

The face becomes less swollen and you feel lighter.
Control Appetite and Decrease Food Compulsion

Lowering your carbohydrate intake lowers insulin levels and makes it easier to control your appetite.

This makes you eat fewer snacks and cut down on portion sizes.

You will eat fewer calories without starving yourself.

Carbohydrates to Avoid to Start Fat Burning

These are the first foods to eliminate from the diet:

  •     Eliminate soda, juice and other calorie beverages. Cola and other soft drinks cause bad health and cause weight gain. Fruit juices have metabolic effects similar to soft drinks.
  •     Eliminate bread, cakes and cookies. These refined carbohydrates contain few nutrients and many calories.
  •     Eliminate fries and chips. The baked potato is healthy, but chips and chips are not.
  •     Chocolates, pastries and ice cream. Avoid ice cream and chocolates. The exception is 85% chocolate without added sugar.
  •     Eliminate potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and beans. These carbohydrates are healthy but should be avoided during weight loss.

Step 2 - Eat More Protein, Healthy Fats and Vegetables

Each of your meals should include a source of protein, a source of fat and vegetables with few carbohydrates.

The portion of meat or fish can be between 200 and 300 grams with many vegetables to fill the eyes and stomach.

It is not necessary to limit the amount of vegetables, you can eat until your appetite is satisfied.

A meal rich in protein, vegetable fats and carbohydrates maintains nutrition with a high nutritional density and keeps caloric density low. This ensures the intake of vitamins and minerals needed for health while keeping the appetite satiated for longer.

With these types of meals it is easy to keep your carbs between 20 and 50 grams a day without doing calorie counts. Thus accelerated fat loss is almost guaranteed.
Protein Rich Foods Are The Basis Of Meal

Eating More Protein-Rich Foods Protein foods have a low calorie density and many nutrients. The basis of ref is always a piece of meat, fish or eggs.

  •     Meat - Beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.
  •     Fish and seafood - Salmon, trout, sardines, shrimp, lobster, etc.
  •     Eggs - Eggs at home or fortified with omega 3.

Protein is the macro nutrient that contributes most to satiety and the intake of an adequate amount of protein speeds up the metabolism.

Add healthy fat along with white meats or low fat fish. To do this you can skip the vegetables in butter or coconut oil is great. Dishes with red meat or fatty fish do not require additional fat.
What is the Recommended Daily Protein Amount?

The recommended amount of protein is from 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. An 80kg man should eat between 80 and 96 grams of protein per day. A woman of 60kg should eat between 60 and 72 grams.

Many bodybuilders recommend eating 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight but you do not need to eat that much. Intake of large amounts of protein stimulates the production of the hormone IGF1, which is not recommended in anti-aging strategies.

You can eat all these vegetables at will:

  •     Broccoli
  •     Kale butter
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Spinach
  •     Brussel sprouts
  •     Cabbage
  •     Chard
  •     Lettuce
  •     Tomato
  •     Cucumber
  •     Celery or celery
  •     Radishes
  •     Green bean
  •     Asparagus
  •     Cheese
  •     Zucchini

Do not be afraid to fill your plate with these low carb vegetables. You can eat in large amounts without having to worry about passing the 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates a day.

Vegetables and meat contain the fiber, vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body. There is no need to consume grains or cereals.
Increase Healthy Fats Consumption

Rich Foods in Healthy Fats These are the sources of healthy fat recommended in the paleo and low carb diet:

  •     Coconut oil
  •     Butter (not margarine)
  •     Olive oil
  •     Lard of pig or ox.

Do not be afraid to eat fat. Doing a low-carbohydrate, low-fat diet does not work.

Eliminating fat makes it very difficult to control your appetite and increases the likelihood of you feeling bad and giving up on the diet.
Avoid Vegetable Oils

You must completely eliminate the processed vegetable oils from the food. The best alternative p

ara cooking is coconut oil and butter. For sauté vegetables use olive oil.

Coconut oil is rich in fats called medium chain triglycerides (TCM or MCT). These fats satiate the appetite, slightly accelerate the metabolism and help to burn abdominal fat.

There is no reason to be afraid of these healthy fats. Recent studies show that saturated fats do not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To know how to combine foods see the protein diet menu and healthy recipes.
How Many Meals Per Day?

You should eat 2 to 3 meals a day, if you are hungry during the afternoon add a fourth meal. To increase the results follow an intermittent fasting protocol. Fasting is a great tool for slowing down caloric intake and eating large meals.

The most important thing to remember is to create meals with a source of protein, a source of fat, and many low-carbohydrate vegetables. This keeps your carbohydrate intake below 50 grams and drastically decreases insulin levels.

Can I Make a "Garbage Day"?

If you have a carbohydrate craving, you can choose one day a week to eat the foods you both crave. Most people choose a Saturday or Sunday.

If you want to eat unhealthy foods, do it on that day. I recommend eating the healthiest carbohydrates like potatoes, sweet potatoes,

yams, fruits, oats, rice, quinoa, etc.

It is important to mention that "junk day" is not necessary, but it can help regulate hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones.

You will gain weight on carbohydrate day, but most of the weight is due to fluid retention. This weight disappears 2 days later.

One day a week to eat more carbohydrates is acceptable, but it is not necessary.
Trash Day No ... Trash Meal Yes!

Much is said of the "garbage day" in which bodybuilders eat 5000 to 8000 calories a day and do not get fat ... What works for a bodybuilder does not work for a person who is overweight or obese.

Bodybuilders have lots of muscle mass, a lot of discipline, more knowledge about nutrition and also take anabolic and thyroid hormone to increase protein synthesis and speed of metabolism.

Many overweight people like stories of diets that do not require the least discipline. The spectacular stories about eating what you want and even slimming down are a myth propagated in blogs and magazines.

Spending a whole day eating bullshit is not harmful to those who are in shape, but it does not work for those who want to lose weight. Do not believe in miracles!

Although I do not recommend a day of garbage, I highly recommend eating the garbage. A meal arrives for you to kill the cravings and you can do this once a week.
How To Eat Unfurnished Fat

Here are some tips to minimize the damage of junk food:
  •     Do a heavy weight workout before the junk meal. A workout with compound exercises works several muscle groups and spends a lot of energy. The exercises that burn the most are squats, deadlifts, elevations and bench press. The nutrients ingested after training are used to recover muscle tissue and glycogen stores. This decreases fat storage.
  •     Fast until lunch to make up for the excess calories from the junk meal.
  •     Do not forget the protein and healthy fat and try to keep the macros balanced. If you are going to eat a meal with lots of carbohydrates, eat a lot of protein and fat before or after. It is preferable to take a whey protein shake a few hours before the junk meal to lessen the appetite for bullshit.

Do I Need to Count Calories and Control Portions?

You do not have to count calories as long as you keep your carbohydrates down and eat enough protein, fat, and low-carbohydrate vegetables.

The formula is simple: piece of meat or fish and vegetable sautéed in coconut oil, or fresh vegetables with olive oil.

The goal is to keep your carbs between 20 and 50 grams per day and go get all the other calories to protein and fat. The servings of vegetables should be large to fill well.

To get an idea, 200 grams of tomatoes contain 8 grams of carbohydrates. The same dose of spinach, salad or cucumber contains less than 7 grams of carbohydrates. A serving of 200 grams of red cabbage or carrot contains 20 grams of carbohydrates. So it is possible to eat about a pound of vegetables, without exceeding the amount of carbohydrates daily.

This diet is practical because it leads to a calorie deficit without the need to calculate and control caloric intake.
Step 3 - Physical Exercise 3 or 4 times a Week

Bodybuilding or HIIT for Weight LossNot required to exercise to lose weight with this plan, but it is recommended. Physical exercise, however light it may be, improves health.

The recommended physical exercise is bodybuilding, and high intensity interval training. If you do not have the ability to do this type of exercise it is recommended to take walks. Some physical exercise is always better than nothing.

The best option is to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. In the gym do a warm up, bodybuilding and stretching. If you've never trained at the gym, ask for guidance from a personal trainer.

By lifting weights you burn calories, gain muscle mass and keep the metabolism accelerated.

Studies show that with a low carb diet it is possible to gain lean mass while losing a significant amount of fat.

If you do not like weight training you can do light cardio. Quick hikes, light jogging or swimming are a good start.

The ideal exercise plan involves 3 to 4 weekly sessions of bodybuilding or HIIT, and walking on the days of rest.
Can not Do Bodybuilding or HIIT!

Very sedentary, elderly or people with injuries may not want to do strength training. In this case the best alternative is the walk.

The walk can be done by people of all ages, often for different lengths and intensities.

If you are not physically fit, it is important to start light walking and gradually increase the intensity and volume of exercise.

A very sedentary woman who has not exercised for a long time, can start doing 3 walks of 15 to 30 minutes a week.

A few weeks later you can increase the frequency from 3 to 5 or 6 times a week. When the body gains more strength and endurance it is possible to increase the duration and rhythm of the sessions.

After slimming 10 or 15 kilos most people get much more energy and good mood, and then start doing bodybuilding or HIIT.
More Tips to Speed ​​Up Weight Loss

The most important thing is to follow the three rules that we have already talked about:
  •     Eliminate carbohydrates.
  •     Eat protein, fats and vegetables.
  •     Exercise 3 or 4 times a week.

Despite this there are some tips to lose weight even faster:

  •     Drink water, coffee or tea. As a general rule, the seat must be filled with water. If you like coffee or tea you can drink at will. These natural thermogenics help to speed up metabolism and inhibit appetite. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee!
  •     Replace breakfast with a green juice or detox.
  •     Follow an intermittent fasting protocol and skip breakfast.
  •     Use smaller dishes. Studies show that people eat less when using smaller dishes. Simple and strange ... But it works!
  •     Sleep well. Numb nights are associated with weight gain and obesity. Sleeping poorly or poorly is also associated with a deregulated appetite and desires for caloric foods.
  •     Reduce stress. Stress increases the hormone cortisol, which causes increased fat around the belly. Stress worsens the quality of sleep, and sleepless nights increase stress and disrupt appetite.

The most important is to follow the 3 rules with consistency. After implementing the three basic steps you can implement other strategies that help to maximize fat loss.
How Much Weight Can You Lose?

You can lose 1 to 4 pounds in the first week, and you will consistently lose weight after that. With this plan most people can lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week.

The first week is the hardest. Your body is accustomed to burning carbohydrates as an energy source and the adaptation takes some time.

The adaptation time is one to two weeks. After that most people say they feel good, with strength and positive energy.
More Benefits of the Carbohydrate Diet / Low Carb Diet / Paleo Diet

Despite the decades of hysteria against fats, the low carbohydrate diet improves health in many ways:

  •     Blood glycemia tends to go down on diets with low carbohydrates. It is a good option to treat hypoglycemia, obesity and diabetes.
  •     This healthy eating plan lowers triglycerides, also in adolescents with morbid obesity.
  •     LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) goes down. This study shows that the low carb diet is superior to a low fat diet. HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) increases.
  •     High blood pressure has improved significantly.

Best of all is that the low carb diet is easier to follow than low fat diets.
Before Starting the Diet ...

Walking to Health If you have any health problems talk to your doctor before following the diet, as this plan can reduce the need for medication.

By reducing your intake of carbohydrates and keeping your insulin levels low your body is more likely to burn fat.

Maintaining high protein and fat intake leads to a reduction in appetite. This eliminates the main cause of dropping diets.

One important thing to remember is that "Hunger always wins."

This method of slimming decreases appetite through the consumption of high nutritional density foods. Health improves and fat disappears.

This diet slims 2 to 3 times longer than the typical low-calorie calorie restriction diet. One bonus that helps to motivate you is the weight loss of visible fluid retention in the early days.

In this plan you can eat tasty foods to satiety and even then lose weight quickly and healthy! Good luck!

To learn more about this diet see the article with a shopping list and the menu to lose weight.

And you ... Already had results with this diet? Do you want to do this diet? Leave a comment.

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