Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 9, 2017

In addition to the extreme reduction of carbohydrates, it also has a large caloric reduction. The total meals per day averaged 1300 kcal. An average adult needs about 2300-3000 Kcal per day.

At any time of the day or night, you can have decaffeinated coffee, tea or mate (with sweetener) at will.

Those who do this diet to lose weight should take at least 10 glasses of water well distributed throughout the day, (this must be followed to the letter), otherwise there will be a renal overload, which will lead to problems such as calculations and others.

Try not to avoid the green salad. It is an invaluable source of potassium, mineral east, one of the main responsible for muscular functioning and much needed in this diet.

If you really do not support salads, and think it's rabbit food, take a potassium supplement Slow K type.

Because it is low in fruits and vegetables, you need a Centrum-type poly vitamin supplement (research indicates that Silver is the best) to be taken 1 capsule a day in the morning.

Any alcoholic beverage is FINALLY PROHIBITED because the liver metabolizes all alcohol into glucose.

Only use sweeteners based on saccharin and cyclamate. Aspartame? NO WAY!

The only soda allowed in this diet is GUARANÁ ANTARCTICA DIET. Because it is the only soft drink sweetened with cyclamate. Coke CAN NOT!

Stay VERY far from: Pasta, pasta, etc., Flours (of any kind), Carrots and potatoes (of any kind), Cereals (corn, rice, etc.) and sugar.

Pay attention to the labels of the products you buy. See ingredients and chemical composition. If you have any ingredients whose word ends with "OSE", put it back on the shelf. "OSE" means SUGAR!

Try to increase your level of physical activity. You do not have to go to a gym. Just walk a little. Half an hour a day is enough.

Take your dog for a walk, do not send the maid. Cancel your newspaper subscription and go buy it at the bank (the one that is 3 or 4 blocks from your house).

Use the stairs (if climbing the stairs is too much for you, lower them at least ...). Remove the batteries from the remote control of the TV, stand up to change the channel on the unit (sounds ridiculous, but helps).

Give your cleaning lady a holiday. Keep your house tidy (tidying up the house is a vigorous physical activity, believe me). Ride your bike. Watch your novel pedaling an ergometer or walking on a treadmill.

Do not skip meals. Try to do them even if you are not very hungry. Fasting does not make you lose weight, it makes you WORSE! Much of the energy expenditure of your body is made by your digestive system.

If you do not eat, there is no need to spend, so the metabolism falls and you stop slimming.

This diet to slim down with health has two annoying side effects: Bad breath and constipation.

Both of you can get around easily. The first with Valda diet pills and Trident or Happydent chewing gum.

The second with Tamarine in capsules (you find in any pharmacy, and it is very cheap) or eating 1 prune fasting.

Do not fall for the story of light products. For diet only serve diet products. The difference is simple: Light means that the product has a reduction in one of its components (in our objective, the reduction is sugar), but the component is still there.

The diet products of good brands, the component is absent.


Pisces: Everyone.

Seafood: Everyone.

Birds: All.

Meats: All.

Cheeses: Only the yellow ones. (Attention: Buy good brand cheeses. Cheaper brands place starch in their composition.

In doubt, do not buy.).

Diet or curd yogurt. (Warning: light yogurt is not good!).

Eggs, soybean oil, olive oil, olive and bacon.

Mayonnaise, cream or butter.

Dietary gelatins.

Vegetables: All.

Decaffeinated coffee, tea and mate. (Never use sugar or aspartame but saccharin or cyclamate).


Coconut water (1 glass).

Pudding, sweet or dietary jelly (1 tablespoon).

Dietary fruit ice cream (1 ball or 1 popsicle).

Vegetables (50g).

Guarana ANTARCTICA diet (Another brand does not serve - 1 can).

Inlays: All (100g - Attention: Buy inlays of good brands. Cheap brands put starch in your composition.

Ricotta, Cottage (30g).


Pasta, pasta, cakes, pastries, etc.

Flour (of any kind).

Carrots and potatoes (of any kind).

Cereals (corn, rice, etc.).

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, etc.).

All fruits contain sugar in the form of fructose.


Coffee that is not decaffeinated (caffeine stimulates cortisol, and this detonates to your diet ...).

Honey, karo, etc.

Soft drinks, including light (can only Guarana Antarctica diet).

Alcoholic beverages (the liver metabolizes alcohol into sugar, then your diet goes into space).

Milk (Neither light, in a diet, nor in powder ... Milk contains lactose, a type of sugar, so it is also prohibited in this diet.

If you make a point of Milk on your breakfast, dilute two tablespoons of sour cream in 200 ml of water).

Creamy cupcake curd.


NOTE: The menu below is just a suggestion. Research has shown that it works.

If you need to change the ingredients, combine the foods from the carbohydrate table and set your meals to your liking, never forgetting to respect the MAXIMUM limit of 10 g of carbohydrates per day, and divide that quota into the 6 meals.

For the free diet to make effective effect you must not skip any of the meals.



1 egg fried in butter

1 thin slice of cheese

Morning snack:

1 slice of ham


150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

30 grams of yellow cheese

Have a dinner:

150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



½ can of tuna

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Morning snack:

30g of yellow cheese


150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower

Afternoon snack:

1 hot egg

Have a dinner:

150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg scrambled

½ can of tuna

Morning snack:

30g of yellow cheese


150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 slice of ham

Have a dinner:

150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



2 slices of melted yellow cheese in the microwave

Morning snack:

30g of yellow cheese


150g of fried fish fillet

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 cup of gelatin with sour cream

Have a dinner:

150g of fried shrimp

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Before bedtime:
1 cup of gelatin



1 egg scrambled in butter

1 slice of hard yellow cheese

Morning snack:

1 thin slice of hard yellow cheese


150g of roast beef

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 cauliflower flower

Afternoon snack:

5 cup slices

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Have a dinner:

150g of roast beef

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 hot egg

1 slice of gruyere cheese (yellow cheese) melted

Morning snack:

½ can of tuna

1 tablespoon mayonnaise


150g of roasted chicken

1 tablespoon of homemade mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

30g gouda cheese (yellow cheese)

Have a dinner:

150g of meatloaf

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg fried in butter

1 slice of ham

Morning snack:

1 slice of yellow cheese


150g of fried fish fillet

1 tablespoon olive oil or mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 cup of gelatin with sour cream

Have a dinner:
150g of fried shrimp

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg scrambled in butter

1 slice of hard yellow cheese

Morning snack:

1 thin slice of hard yellow cheese


150g of roast beef

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 cauliflower flower

Afternoon snack:

5 cup slices

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Have a dinner:

150g of roast beef

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin


1 hot egg

1 slice of gruyere cheese (yellow cheese) melted

Morning snack:

½ can of tuna

1 tablespoon mayonnaise


150g of roasted chicken

1 tablespoon of homemade mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

30g gouda cheese (yellow cheese)

Have a dinner:

150g of meatloaf

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg fried in butter

1 slice of ham

Morning snack:

1 slice of yellow cheese


150g of fried fish fillet

1 tablespoon olive oil or mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 cup of gelatin with sour cream

Have a dinner:

150g of roasted sardine steak

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg fried in butter

1 thin slice of cheese

Morning snack:

1 slice of ham


150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

30g of yellow cheese

Have a dinner:

150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



½ can of tuna

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Morning snack:

30g of yellow cheese


150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 hot egg

Have a dinner:

150g of meat (beef, chicken, pork or fish)

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf of chard (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin



1 egg scrambled

½ can of tuna

Morning snack:

30g of yellow cheese


150g of meat

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 leaf kale (chopped or chopped)

Afternoon snack:

1 slice of ham

Have a dinner:

150g of meat

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 broccoli flower (chopped or chopped)

1 cup of gelatin

Before bedtime:

1 cup of gelatin


NOTE: The menu below is just a suggestion. Research has shown that it works.

If you need to change the ingredients, combine the foods on the carbohydrate table and set your meals to your liking, never forgetting to meet the MAXIMO limit of 40g of carbohydrates per day and sharing that amount in the 7 meals.

For the diet to lose belly to make effect you must not skip any of the meals.



2 slices (50g) of provolone cheese

Morning snack:

2 slices of bologna


1 beef breast fillet sautéed with champignon

1 egg boiled cut into slices

1 ladle of cabbage or spinach with herbs

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

1 cheese type pollen

Have a dinner:

1 beef carpaccio with capers, mustard, lemon, olive oil and grated cheese

150g grilled filet mignon with wood sauce

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 diet yogurt


1 slice (30g) brie cheese

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 cup (200ml) of coconut water

1 omelet made with 1 egg, 1 tomato and herbs to taste

Morning snack:

1 cheese type pollen


1 fillet (200g) of grilled fish with four tablespoons of basil pomarola

6 tablespoons chopped spinach with 2 tablespoons whipping cream

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

2 thick slices (60g) mashed ricotta seasoned with parsley and chives.

Have a dinner:

2 beef stroganoff shells

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 fruit popsicle


1 sausage

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 diet yogurt

5 slices (15g each) of turkey breast

Morning snack:

2 slices of mozzarella


2 shrimp or chicken stroganoff shells

1 portion (100g) zucchini gratin with 2 slices of mozzarella

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

2 sausages

Have a dinner:

1 eggplant gratin with 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese grated

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 diet yogurt


1 tablespoon of catupiry cheese

1 cup of diet gelatin



3 thin slices of ham

Morning snack:

1 pot (200g) of curd


1 portion (220g) of grilled cod

1 portion (100g) of onion and broccoli sautéed with garlic and oil

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

2 tablespoons (40g) cottage cheese

Have a dinner:

150g roasted tenderloin

2 tablespoons chopped cabbage

1 omelet made with 1 egg and 1 tomato

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 fruit popsicle


2 slices of bologna or ham

1 cup of diet gelatin



3 chicken sausages

Morning snack:

1 cup of diet yogurt


1 grilled filet mignon (150g)

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

1 slice (30g) cheese platter

Have a dinner:

1 shrimp shell with catupiry

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 slice (30g) brie cheese


1 cheese type pollen

1 cup of diet gelatin



3 cannelloni ham with 1 tablespoon (dessert) of cottage cheese

Morning snack:

1 cheese type pollen


1 portion (150g) of roast beef

1 portion (100g) zucchini stuffed with heart of palm

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

1 slice (30g) of ham

Have a dinner:

1 grilled filet mignon (150g)

4 asparagus sautéed with herbs in 1 tablespoon butter

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 diet yogurt


1 slice brie cheese

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 pot (200g) of curd

1 grilled hamburger steak

Morning snack:

1 diet yogurt


2 shells get chicken stroganoff

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

1 fruit popsicle

Have a dinner:

10 large prawns fried in garlic and oil

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 cheese type pollen


3 thin slices of ham

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 diet yogurt

1 slice (30g) of cheese-mines

Morning snack:

1 cup (200ml) of coconut water


4 sliced ​​sausages with mustard

6 tablespoons chopped spinach with onion and garlic with 1 tablespoon sour cream

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

1 slice (30g) of ricotta with herbs

Have a dinner:

1 batter (300g) grilled fish with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 diet yogurt


1 chicken sausage

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 egg omelette with 1 tomato


2 slices of bologna with pickles

1 cup (200ml) of coconut water


1 grilled chicken breast fillet with champignon

200g chuchu gratin with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

2 sausages

Have a dinner:

1 grilled filet mignon (150g)

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

2 tablespoons (40g) cottage cheese


1 cheese type pollen

1 cup of diet gelatin



1 pot (200g) of curd

1 hot egg with 1 teaspoon of butter

Morning snack:

1 cheese type pollen


1 skewer with 50g of cubed meat, 50g of diced chicken and 50g of sausage in slices

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Afternoon snack:

2 slices of bologna with pickles

1 cup (200ml) of coconut water

Have a dinner:

2 shells of shrimp stroganoff

Salad (lettuce, watercress, spinach, cucumber, tomato and rocket) at will

Before bedtime:

1 diet yogurt


1 sausage

1 cup of diet gelatin


The two weeks of induction are wonderfully intoxicating, There is weight loss every day, huge and unbelievable amounts of weight loss are reported.

Your weight loss "jumps to the eyes" of people who praise you for success ... But ...

A survey on a forum showed that many people complain that weight loss "parked" or that the rate dropped to just one pound per week.

Many people do not know that fat loss, the true goal in a weight reduction diet, has a limited proportion.

In other words, the human body has factors that protect the release of what is stored in fat cells, this is called plateau effect.

A priority of the human body is survival. Anything that threatens this survival results in a cascade of events to maintain the previous status quo.

Fluctuating amounts of water is one way for the body to do this.

 The 7 Best Foods to Lose Weight

1. Green Tea

If you are not drinking green tea with your workouts, you may be wasting your time.

A published study found that after just two weeks of exercise they drank four to five cups of green tea every day.

And recording 25 minutes in the gym lost more belly fat than people who did not drink green tea.

What makes the drink so powerful?

It contains catechins, an antioxidant that prevents the storage of belly fat and assists in rapid weight loss.

2. Almonds.

Think of each almond as a natural weight loss pill.

A study of overweight and obese adults found that by combining with a calorie restricted diet.

Consuming a little more than a quarter cup of nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack made up of complex carbohydrates and saffron-bastard after two weeks.

And after 24 weeks, those who ate the nuts experienced 62% greater weight reduction and BMI.

For best results, eat your daily portion before going to the gym.

A published study found that almonds are rich in L-arginine amino acids.

It makes it really help you to burn more fat and carbohydrates during the workouts.

3. Pistache

Researchers from Human Nutrition divided study participants into two groups, each of which were fed a nearly identical low calorie diet for 12 weeks.

The only difference between the groups was what they were given to eat as an afternoon snack.

One group ate 220 calories of pretzels while the other group chewed on 240 calories of pistachios.

Just four weeks into the study, the pistachio group had reduced their weight by one point, while the group that pretzel had remained the same, and their cholesterol and triglyceride levels improved as well.

4. Avocado Oil

And if we tell you that you could make 20% of your belly disappear this year

Researchers compared those who consumed avocado oil with those who consumed a mixture of safflower flax oil.

Those on the diet of three tablespoons of avocado oil made daily almost 2% lost their belly fat in just one month.

5. Vegetables

It's time to focus on your health.

In a four-week Spanish study, researchers found that eating a calorie-restricted diet that includes four weekly servings of vegetables helps weight loss more effectively than an equivalent diet that does not include beans.

Those who consumed the diet to lose weight rich in legumes also saw improvements in their "bad" LDL cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure.

To reap the benefits at home, work lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans in your diet during the week.

6. Yogurt rich in vitamin D

This is what happens when you complete your diet with a combination of vitamin D and calcium, according to a study.

In just four weeks after the 12-week experiment, individuals who had taken these two nutrients found in abundance in some yogurts lost twice as much fat as the other group.

To get similar results at home, start the day with yogurt.

7. Grapefruit

As a marathoner stretching before the big race, eating half grapefruit before a meal can improve the fat burning performance of your body.

A study published in the journal Metabolism found that this "warming" is a tactic that can help to gradually reduce your medium by up to an inch in just six weeks.

Scientists attribute the powerful photochemical effects of grapefruit fats.

The fruit may interact negatively with certain medications, so as long as you start or intend to have half a grapefruit before your morning meal consult your physician to add some segments to your variety of salads to reap the benefits.

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