Moreover, the cucumber has plenty of fiber, so it's good to remove water trapped in the body and help eliminate this excess rapid weight loss.It is for this reason that we will show cucumber diet where you can lose up to 3 kilos depending overweight you have and perseverance to do it.
On the other hand recomendad this diet is for people who have no problem of hypothyroidism among others, because it is very strict and very short duration, where the main ingredient is the raw cucumber.
Notes (read before you begin)
* The diet is 3 days.
* Fruits to accompany this diet include:
* oranges
* tangerines
* pears
* apples
* The night fish can be replaced by a fillet of chicken or turkey.
* If you vary the food and eating too much salt is a portion of cucumber slices.
* Read more link at the bottom....
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