Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 5, 2016

1. Know The Your Friends, But Your Enemies Best.

Yes this may sound like a riddle, but it's true.What I am referring to food is indeed friends and enemies. As you know, the diet is 90% of the game.If you honor it, you will succeed; if you do not, you can look for a big disappointment.Be very aware that your friends are fruits, vegetables, free hormone, meats, whole grains, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.There are other amazing food for you to lose weight.Your enemies are foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat trans fat, sugar, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners and sugar.

2. Restrict Your Calories, But Do not Exaggerate.

Yes, I know you want to lose weight fast, but you do not want, so keep a short circuit in your metabolism.This is exactly what will happen if you cut your intake.Your body needs a certain amount of calories per day to just work.In a clinical setting, we refer to this as your resting metabolic rate (RMR).If you have a restricted diet where you consume 500 calories a day, but its real RMR is 1,500, guess what happens?Your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism drops down.In layman's terms, you keep stored fat as energy because your body thinks you are hungry. Do not let this happen!Leave behind a fair amount, such as 250 to 500 calories per day. Determine this tracking your calories for five days.Add the above values, divide by five and subtract by 250 or 500. Use this as your new daily target.

3. Think Small, Balanced and frequent.

This is in reference to your meals.Keep balanced with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat, eat every two and a half to three hours and make sure you eat just enough food to cut your appetite.Because? Very simply, because it will keep your hunger at bay and sugar balanced blood.If your blood sugar is balanced, you'll be less likely to have cravings and insulin levels will stay in check.Insulin is a hormone that stores fat in case you do not know.

4. Ignore All Drinks Containing Calories.

This is especially true for alcohol! If you want to know how to lose weight fast, so pay close attention.Calorie drinks are silent calories, and they quietly make you fat. Drink nothing but water.

5. A Grave Weights Set.

Weight training is an absolute necessity for quick weight loss.When you build muscle, you increase your metabolism even more and reach your goal faster.You can therefore increase your metabolism with five proven ways.Take short rest breaks between your workouts and focus on a full body routine, the type of circuit where you direct all your major muscle groups.Do three workouts per week on non-consecutive days.

6. Include Intensive Training In Your Exercise Plan.

This overcomes long-term cardio any day of the week for quick weight loss.Start with a warm up, then switch front and rear from high to low intensity in the form of intervals.Point at least 20 minutes intervals and finish with heating.Perform this exercise three times a week on days of non-heavy workout.

7. Hit the bag by One Hour.

Sleep is often overlooked by people trying to lose weight.If you burn calories in a day you probably will not burn as many calories the next day.This is because your hunger and hormonal stimulants suppress if you tend to eat more than you should.Has 7 hours of sleep per night to ensure that does not happen.It is so during sleep, your body is recovering from hard workouts.If you cheat yourself out of this rest time, so you will betray your body out of a beneficial recovery period.OK, now you have the ammo you need to make a big difference to your body.

>> Eat Foods Crus To Lose Weight, Cooked Food Contains More Calories.

Often between the kitchen and prepare more home-cooked meals.In fact, nutrition experts suggest that this strategy could somehow become healthier.But if the results of a study published last month in the journal procedures of the National Academy of Sciences is that we should encourage people to cook less, or better, to eat more raw foods, especially if you have a few extra pounds.Harvard scientists responsible for the investigation found that cooking food increases the amount of energy or calories it provides to your body.This disparity between cooked and raw is because the body use more energy in raw food digestion cooked food;More energy available from raw foods is lost in bacteria when food is prepared, and in fact the body spends energy fighting most prolific pathogens in raw food than cooked.The study lasted only 40 days counted on two groups of rats fed with diets series consisting of cooked or raw meat or sweet potatoes cooked or raw.Throughout the study, the researchers tracked the changes in body weight of mice, controlling how they should rush to complete the wheel.The results has clearly shown that both cooked and prepared protein in tubers rich in starch gave more energy to the mice than variants of both.The energy value from a food is based on the composition of specific food and that will not change by cooking.The proportion of the cooking time made our bodies absorb what is lost for good bacteria, which is excreted by our bodies.Cooking reduces the energy we use to digestion by increasing the amount that we absorb.Cooked food was processed before being introduced into the body.Basically cooking outsources part of the digestive process.When it comes to the cooked meat, the heating process gelatinize the collagen in muscle and causes muscle fibers to loosen and separate.This not only makes it easier to chew the meat, but otherwise increases the surface area exposed to digestive enzymes and stomach acids.As for sweet potato cooked, here the heat gelatinize starches and transforms crystalline structures in amorphous compounds that are actually readily broken down or hydrolyzed into sugars and dextrin.Part of the gastrointestinal tract thus includes a whole series of bacteria, and the bacteria metabolize some of our food to their own energy needs.The small intestine is where most of the chemical digestion takes place.
What is left passes into the large intestine with massive volumes of good bacteria to extract energy from it.The firing process allows the food to be almost completely metabolized and reaches the end of the small intestine.This means that the body has extracted almost all the available energy, leaving little for bacteria.In the case of boiled meat, heating denatures the protein relaxing from their strong bond structures and assume a random coil configuration.This makes them more susceptible to the enzymes in the small intestine.This serves to increase the proportion of the protein ultimately digested by the organism compared with what is digested by bacteria in the large intestine.For example, energy is lost and used by fuel gas production.Thus, undigested polysaccharides (fiber) and are metabolised by the bacteria by fermenting to produce short chain fatty acids, which in turn are consumed as fuel by bacteria.The more energy left for the bacteria, the lower the number of calories absorbed by humans.So what does all this mean? Quite simply: if you want to absorb fewer calories, you should decrease the cooked portion of their diet, and consume more raw foods.While there is currently no formula to calculate the actual difference of the energy absorbed by the body of cooked and raw food, the current calorie measurement system is not accurate.This system, known as the system in water, has been used for over 100 years.It measures the calories absorbed by the body, taking large measuring calories of a food and subtracting the estimate of the calories did the body goes out as waste.

>> Diet Menu 800 Calories


Bread, coffee or tea with sweetener, ½ portion of the will, replacement frame 1, lemonade with sweetener.


1 tablespoon average bean, frame substitution 23 tablespoons rice soup, replace Table 31 medium steak meat, replacement Table 41 vegetable portion, frame replacement 4Fruit a share, frame substitution 51 tablespoon average, 3 tablespoons full of soup, 1 serving at ease, frame substitution 2,3, 4 and 5


A share - fruit or fruit juice, replacement Table 5

Have a dinner

3 tablespoons rice soup, replace Table 31 serving of meat, frame replacement 41 serving the will of vegetable, frame replacement 4


A quota - fruit or fruit juice, substitute Table 5Framework for Change Food:

Table 1:

Integral bread - 2 slicesWhite bread - 2 slicesBread diet form - 3 slicesCorn bread - 2 slicesCookie maisena- 7 unitsWafer water and salt- 5 unitsWafer cream cracker - 4 units

Table 2:

cooked dry peas - 3 tbspCooked chickpeas - 2 tbspcooked lentils - 1 tbspSoja- 2 tablespoons

Table 3:

3 small units of cooked potatoes3 tablespoons full of manioc flour dessert3 tablespoons of cooked pasta filled with soup3 tablespoons gnocchi3 small units pancake3 tablespoons potato puree3 tablespoons fish sauce1 tablespoon farofa

Table 4:

1 medium drive plate steak4 medium units meatballs3 tablespoons ground beef soup3 tablespoons meat mincemeat2 thin slices of roast beef2 small units Rolet steak1 small chicken breast5 thinly sliced ​​turkey2 small units of chicken thigh5 tablespoons shredded chicken1 medium piece of baked cod1 large flitch2 egg units

Table 5

1 medium slice of pineapple3 medium units plum1 medium banana unit2 large units cashew1 large unit persimmon1 medium unit guava1 medium orange unitUnit 1 small apple1 thin slice of papaya1 small drive sleeve1 medium slice of watermelon1 slice medium melon10 large units of strawberry½ average unit pear1 large unit of mandarinGrape berries 101 large cajá1 small kiwi

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