Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2016


short -Duration.
-Good Results in no time.
-Low cost.
-not Requires physical exercise.


-Quantity Very limited food.
-Diversidade Very limited food.
-no Provides snacks during the day.
-Elevado Risk of feeling of hunger.
-Elevado Risk of weakness and fatigue.
Can you quickly regain the weight you lost if you do not change eating habits.
Suggested Menu
1st day

- ½ papaya.
- 1 col. (Dessert) whole oatmeal.

Morning snack
- Pineapple juice 1 cup (200 ml).

- 1 plate background of watercress salad, cherry tomatoes and vinaigrette.
- 1 ¬filé grilled hake.

Afternoon snack
- 3 full biscuit units.

Have a dinner

- 1 deep dish of chicken soup.
- 1 glass of diet gelatin with pineapple pieces.

- 1 cup. hibiscus tea or horsetail with sweetener.

2nd day

- 1 pineapple juice with green tea (200 ml).

Morning snack
- 1 Polenguinho.

- 1 file grilled lean beef.
- 1 deep dish of beet salad, grated carrot and lettuce, seasoned with vinegar, olive oil, lemon and salt to taste.

Afternoon snack
- 1 light cereal bar.

Have a dinner
- 1 dish bouillon background or chicken with croutons.
- 1 glass of diet gelatin with strawberry pieces.

- 1 cup. hibiscus tea or horsetail with sweetener.
3rd day

- 1 soybean juice.
- 2 whole grain crackers sesame.

Morning snack
- 1 slice of pineapple.

- Salad of lettuce, tomato and cucumber at ease.
- 1 file grilled turkey breast.

Afternoon snack
- ½ xíc. toasted soy.

Have a dinner
- 1 deep dish of vegetable soup.
- 1 small glass of diet gelatin with mango pieces.

- 1 cup. hibiscus tea or horsetail with sweetener.

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