Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2016



 1 cup skim milk with the preferred infusion: coffee, tea, mate cocido, etc. alone or with sweetener + 2 egg whites cooked in a nonstick skillet with vegetable spray or oil spray (if you do not have access to cooking spray, you can put a little oil in a vaporizer) + 1 feta cheese machine, 1 feta cooked ham or turkey. 1 medium apple red.


 4 thick slices of boiled pumpkin + chicken breast half grilled tomato with oregano + medium. 1 orange.


 1 cup fresh washed strawberries (unsweetened) + 1 low-fat yogurt. preferred infusion.


 1 carrot, grated + 1 can of tuna natural girl + half tomato + 100 gr of green beans or boiled beans, topped with strands oil, salt and pepper. 1 fruit. Infusion preferred sweetener or alone.

* Strawberries can be replaced by any seasonal fruit.

With this diet you not only become slim in a week but will have the light and healthy skin, good digestion and bowel movement.

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