Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 7, 2016

Now let's see the reference table:

 BMI table

Less than 18                             weight under

Between 18 and 24.9                normal weight

25 to 26.9 overweight

Between 27 and 29.9                obesity grade 1

Between 30 and 39.9                grade 2 obesity

More than 40                            obesity grade 3

It is important that you have in mind as can quickly determine if you are overweight or not.

Explained this move on to the express diet.

This will allow you to express diet to lose 5 kg in 10 days can lose up to 1 kg per day.

The diet consists of alternating 2 types of menus:

    1 protein-based menu
    2nd menu of carbohydrates. On this day a thorough cleaning of the body is created.

Menu # 1 - Protein


Drink 1 glass of water fasting (you can add a few drops of lemon juice if you like) + 1 boiled egg + 1 portion of green salad (lettuce, celery, spinach, chard or Brussels sprouts. In short, any green vegetable you have you can incorporate it in this salad). Remember not season it with anything.

The egg will contribute an amount of protein and calcium very necessary for our body.

Green leafy vegetables (especially when eaten raw) have many benefits when losing kilos.

Lunch, dinner and between meals

Kitchen carme 800g chicken (breast) unsalted. Distribute this food throughout the day # 1 menu.

Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day

Menu # 2 - Carbohydrates

This day must prepare a salad called "ensalada brush" according to its creator, which involves mixing the following ingredients:

    ½ kg cabbage (cabbage)
    ½ kg of carrot
    ½ kg of beets
    1 fresh lemon juice

We have already mentioned on another occasion the properties of the beet diet. In fact it is considered a food rich in fiber and healthy fats that promotes intestinal transit and accelerate metabolism.

Cabbage (cabbage) meanwhile is a great antioxidant, contains fiber, vitamins and pro is highly diuretic that contains potassium.

Carrots are thermogenic foods. This means that speed up metabolism and burn fat faster than other foods.

Prepare this salad with all the ingredients without cooking. No condimentes with nothing but juice freshly squeezed lemon.

You can eat up to 1 ½ kg all day. You can make 3 large or 6 smaller meals. It is indistinct. The important thing is that during this depurativo day this salad only consume without exceeding the proportions.

Do not forget also accompany this day with 2 liters of water.

The way to do this diet is very simple. We must interject one day with Menu # 1 and the next day the menu No. 2 and so on.

Benefits of diet express

This diet is not only ideal to lose kilos, also improves the appearance of skin and hair, detoxifies the body and increases metabolism.


Do not do this diet if you have little to lose kilos. Use the body mass index (BMI) to clarify what your healthy weight.

Nor do this diet for more than 10 days. Remember that the minimum is seven days and a maximum of 10.

If you have given you good results and want to repeat it, then do it but every 4 months.

Do not forget that when we lose weight also may be losing minerals and muscle mass which is not convenient lose.

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